
Monday, December 22, 2014

Reflection Characters

The assignment was easy and gave you the ability to be creative with how you set it up. this made it more enjoyable and made the time pass quicker

Try it out Characters


The owner can't find her dog, but then benny appears from the background

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Debug it Reflection

I used a very simple debug it strategy. i just did trial and error until i was able to make a solution for the problem. I would let someone else see whatI did for the debug it and see if they could find another way to make the solution.

Debug it 1.5


I think all the debug it's required me to think but not overly hard.

Debug it 1.4


This was a very simple debug it. It didn't take very long to figure out

Try it out


This was our second Scratch project. I tried to make mine really cool but ended up over complicating it formyself,. My teacher told me I could just pass it in anyway.

Make A Block


Make a block we created by using a youtube video to teach us techniques needed to create this project.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

debug it 1.3


This challenge was not as hard as I assumed it would be. I began to over think the process that needed to be taken in order to complete the debug

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Debug-it 1.2


Debug 1.2 was more difficult number 1 but it worked well in the end

Debug-it 1.1 solution


The sprite named Gobo wouldn't begin dancing because he didn't have a command to dance. So I added the when green flag is pressed command and it solved the issue



The next project we did was called moving. We had to have 3 sprites do the same movements starting and ending in the same spot

Friday, December 12, 2014

10 Block Challenge


My latest scratch project! This was called the 10 block challenge. We were given 10 specific blocks of directions to use our imaginations to have the sprite move as we wanted. It was a fun project to be apart of

Blog post #2 Into to HTML

-How to add links
-How to create a table
- How to insert images

-I learned that you must have every piece of code working in order for the HTML file to work properly
-I learned that you need to try a few times before something will look correct.

1. I am concerned that I will mess up something in the beginning of the concept map and it will ruin my whole project.